Another way to make OXB your one stop shop for events is our quality printing ideas and designs!

From weddings invites and table tents to the girls night wine party game show night we can handle it.

Our inhouse graphics department can handle your basic design needs and if your dream design requires it, we have a network of designers that can handle the more complicated.


Wedding favor tags are just the tip of the ice burg. You can create a tag for gifts, baskets or packages. We even have some retail customers too that add these to the items they sell online and instore.

Honeymoon Past Cards

Honeymoon post cards are a great way to let those know just how you celebrated your marriage. These postcards can also be a great tool for inviting your friends and family to all your events at home or the office. Postcards are very flexible and can range in size. Some as small as a business card, 5X7 and even odd sizes for mailing like 6.5 X 12 and your coating can be just as creative as the design by finishing them off with a matte or super glossy finish. Paster thickness is very important to some clients and some are not so particular, a thicker paper quality makes your printed piece really stand out.

Pillow Box

Pillow Boxes are perfect for giving those keeps sake gifts from your event. Homemade treats like cookies and cakes can also be packaged in a Pillow Box. If you are gifting your attendees a take home keepsake these pillow boxes will present your gift well and keep them looking uniform laying on the table for your guest. This idea is also useful to our retail clients.

Wedding Planner Folder

Planning folders are perfect for keeping all the information for all those in the bridal party on the same page. These are perfect keep sakes for the bridal party and the brides planner. Wedding Coordinators like to use these as a brand developer, service providers of all kinds enjoy using these as a tool for development and organization.


Let us get something started for you and your event! Top notch creative planning and quality printing for your next event. PRICE MATCH & IN MOST CASES WE WILL BEAT ANYHTING ONLINE! Complete the form below and a designer will contact you!


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